N C F M Finally Open !

Its been a while and for myriad reasons we were not able to stock kits for quite a while. However the store will be fully stocked ( well almost!) on December 1st 2024. The exceptions are : The Wabbit will be available in a few weeks pending sort out of a couple of...

N C F M Not Closed, But Not Open Either!

So we came back from summer vacation and were confronted with a host of technical issues as well as our supply chain of materials! The material supply is an issue that is not easy to solve.  Prices have gone thru the roof and something are not available anymore.  So...
Back From South Australia Slope Safari

Back From South Australia Slope Safari

We have been going on bi-annual trips to Australia for a few years now ….I tried to activate the sales buttons while on the plane from Adelaide to Sydney ( thanks to Qantas Wifi), but I couldn’t figure out how to adjust the quantities,Almost all of the...
Annual Post-Vacation Post.

Annual Post-Vacation Post.

No! No ! …. We are not dead yet! As is customary I post once a year right after returning from vacation in Australia, that we are open for business.Most of our products and kits are in now stock albeit in limited quantities.  So if you try to order and your...
NCFM Carries On !

NCFM Carries On !

Yes yes ! …. NCFM is still in business and the website is taking orders! We haven’t had any major news so apparently the lack of updated posts here, has created a confusion as to the viability of the site and whether it is moribund or not.We are all...